Meet Scuderia Altertype

Who we are

And what we do

About us
Altertype Racing Team is an independent competitive autonomous racing team and ML research lab based in London. Built by a team of Engineers and Computer Scientists, aims to push the boundaries of autonomus vehicles both on the physical and virtual track.

Apart from extensive experience in autonomous racing events, the team also conducts research and provides services for the motorsport industry, around scenario simulations, decision making and analytics.
For general enquiries about our services or team support see our contact page. Alternatively, feel free to contact us at:

Where we race

Race Fixtures

Previous and Upcoming

Indy Autonomous Challenge
A pioneering competition where teams develop self-driving cars to race at high speeds on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It emphasizes innovation in AI and autonomous vehicle technology. Teams from around the world compete to create self-driving cars capable of high speeds, using cutting-edge AI and machine learning algorithms.
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Abu Dhabi ARL
Set against the backdrop of Abu Dhabi's modern cityscape, the Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League is a premier event in the world of autonomous motorsport. It features teams competing with their AI-driven vehicles on challenging tracks. This league is known for its rigorous standards, focusing on the integration of sophisticated AI systems with high-performance racing dynamics. It serves as a platform for demonstrating advancements in autonomous navigation, real-time decision-making, and vehicle agility under demanding conditions.
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F1TENTH is an international autonomous racing competition where teams build, program, and race 1/10th scale autonomous vehicles. This event challenges participants to develop algorithms for path planning, control, and obstacle avoidance, simulating real-world autonomous driving scenarios. Hosted at various locations, F1TENTH races combine the thrill of racing with the intricacies of robotics and AI, providing a hands-on, practical experience in autonomous systems design and implementation.
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AWS Deep-Racer League
The AWS DeepRacer League is an exciting global competition part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) offerings. It invites developers of all skill levels to participate in the world of machine learning through a fully autonomous 1/18th scale race car. Utilizing models trained in a virtual environment, participants compete in races that test their machine learning models' efficiency and accuracy. This league is a unique blend of education and competition, making AI and machine learning accessible and engaging.
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Our Solutions

Research Focus

And Services

This team offers advanced simulation services to other racing teams, providing virtual environments that accurately replicate real-world racing conditions. These simulations are essential for testing and refining vehicle performance, strategy development, and driver training. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, these simulations help teams optimize their vehicles and strategies before actual races.
Decision Making
The team also specializes in AI decision-making services, leveraging their expertise in autonomous racing. They provide solutions for enhancing autonomous vehicles' decision-making capabilities, focusing on real-time data analysis, predictive modeling, and adaptive strategy formulation. These services are designed to improve the performance and safety of autonomous vehicles under various racing conditions.
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